Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I have never done a blog before but I think it might help me finish the story I just started.
I have been attempting to be a write for many years but have yet to finish one of my longer stories.
 The Hunted is my new baby. I am pouring all the time I can into it and trying to develop the story line. I know what the ending is but how to get there is the fun part. I have a page on Facebook where I update the story and get criticism from people close to me. Some of them are very good at editing. Anyways enough rambling, here is the story so far for anything listening out there.
The Hunted

(The year 2021)

My name is Key and I have been on the run for 7 years.
This is my story. I don’t have long to tell you everything that has happened. The camera on this phone only has 2 bars of battery left and they will find me before long. This story is not a happy one but it does have a happy ending. When they find me and my life ends I will die with a smile on my face and a song on my lips. God is coming, and he will be here any minute. 

(7 years earlier, 2014.)

It started in February. The laws started changing then. Everyone was in an uproar about the President taking away all the guns in the country. He made is illegal to purchase a firearm in the name of keeping the children safe and cutting out crime. All he did was make it easier on the criminals and made it near impossible for upstanding people to defend themselves. He made us unable to defend ourselves. Hitting us where we were weak. The government made the new health care act mandatory. From there it was a easy task to start chipping everyone. Once you know where everyone is it’s easy to find the ones you want. The members of our church Calvary were warned thanks to our Pastor and we went underground. By setting up a underground trading system we were able to spread food and water to those in need. Not taking the mark made all buying and selling impossible, and by making pirating videos of how the End of times were here we made ourselves a problem. It wasn’t long before his agenda turned to us and Christians became the public enemy. News feeds started popping up about Christians spreading hate messages and that we were bringing the country down. Loving God became UN-American. Riots started. Friends and family started turning on each other. My family turned on me and I had to go on the run. These are dangerous days, thankfully there are only 3 ½ years left until the indwelling and 3 ½ years after that Jesus will return and judgement will happen. 


It was a cloudy Sunday afternoon in Summerfield, Florida when I got word from my Aunt Judy that the soldiers were coming. I had only a few minutes to grab my Mother’s picture and my get a way bag with everything I thought I would need, a tent and Bible with some clothes. In my childhood of moving around I got used to keeping personal belongings to a bare essentials. You might be asking yourself why come for me? I am nothing but a 24 year young woman that firmly believes in God. Well I admit when everything started I was unfocused and rather weak in every way possible.. My Bible laid unread and my prayers were selfish. When things got rough I believed that God would get me through and he did many times but I needed to open my spirit to the worlds needs. People needed to hear the truth and I needed to be more courageous.


We started a small group that went out and did services in our community. People were being saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, everyday more got baptized. The group was mostly family members, my Pastor who was also my Uncle and his wife my Aunt Judy, Annie, Joy my cousins and their husbands and my Mother Nancy. We were strong because we stuck together when the laws changed. We could no longer buy or sell thanks to the Mark of the Beast so we moved into the parsonage and lived off the farm behind the church. Every morning we started the day with group prayer and worship. After a word from Pastor usually about what to expect in these last days we headed out to the different places we were called to. God sent us each into a different area always sending 2 people, one to speak and the other to pray and anoint people. It was safer also because outreach like ours had become illegal. It was by making it a crime that people seemed to be drawn in simply by the danger of it. Why are these Christians terrorists? What are they saying that is so Anti American? Once they heard the message that Jesus loved them and he started moving on the crowds it was like the Day of Pentecost must have been. The Holy Ghost jumped from person to person. Revival hit our town and started to spread.